Displaying 12561 - 12570 of 12645.
Top on the agenda of problems that have to be solved in the Islamic world is the problem of illiteracy which reached 45% and terrorism which results in some countries in a wrong understanding of Islam.
President Hosni Mobarak delivered a speech in the opening of The Tenth Conference of the Higher Council for Islamic Affairs including the situation regarding the peace process, and the Islamic nation’s obligation towards the holy sites in Jerusalem and the Muslim minorities throughout the world.
Member of Parliament Sameh Ashour accused the Muslim Brotherhood and the government of lacking credibility after announcing an alliance between Mokhtar Nouh, a prominent Muslim Brother, and Ragai Attia, a government representative.
A group of veiled women wearing face covers distribute extremist audio tapes in the women’s section of the metro in generous quantities. "Muslims should be ready for the confrontation with the Christians before the Christians attack us" is the message.
Representatives of the Islamic world recommended that the efforts exerted to establish an international court for the executors of terrorist operations and genocide should be supported.
Extremists announced that they had to intensify their campaign on the Internet to refute insulting allegations propagandized by foreigners and Coptic extremists.
Sheik Omar Al-Bakry, the leader of the immigrant extremist movement, sees the Internet as venue through which to execute field operations and military operations.
Today four Azhar scholars are to stand in front of the disciplinary committee for the staff of the Azhar university and may face dismissal.
[also in Al-Osbua, July 6, 1998] The governor of Cairo, Abdel-Rahim Shehata, issued a decree dissolving the Azhar Ulama Front according to directions from a higher religious authority.
An investigation on statements of the Front. Nothing could be taken as an insult of the Grand Imam and the investigation was closed.


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