Date of source: Sunday, August 22, 2004
Before I temporarily quit discussing die question of the exclusion of Copts from leading posts, I would like to quote a profound letter written by Mr. Nabil Adly—a colleague at Watani. He writes: ‘The exclusion of Copts from leading posts is an issue which concerns all of us. However, other...
Date of source: Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Over the last few years, Egyptian political leadership has moved toward changing laws regulating the building and restoration of churches. The legal obstacle before the restoration of churches no longer exists but some intolerant state officials still represent an obstacle. As a result, some Copts...
Date of source: Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Some days ago, the married couple Samir Marcos and Vivian Fuoad won the first annual prize of the Norwegian Academy for Arts and Freedom of Expression in recognition of their distinguished efforts in promoting understanding between Muslims and Christians in Egypt. The award has been named after the...
Date of source: Thursday, August 19, 2004
The decision made by the former Council of Governors concerning the conditions for building mosques and Azharite institutes still raises many questions, for example why were no religious officials from the Azhar or the Minister of Awqaf [Religious Endowments] present to take part in these decisions...
Date of source: Monday, August 23, 2004
Dr. Muhammad Emara, member of the Islamic Research Institute in Egypt, examined the term “fundamentalism” in his newly released book Al-usu’liya bayn Al-gharb wal al-Islam [Fundamentalism Between The West and Islam] and showed how this term is used by Western thinkers to confuse the notions [of...
Date of source: Saturday, August 21, 2004
Today, we will discuss the factors affecting this loss of trust between the Islamic world and the West and the obstacles to restoring this lost trust. We cannot say that trust between the West and the Islamic world has vanished completely but it was very negatively affected by the following factors...
Date of source: Friday, August 20, 2004
“Glorious Appearing” is one of the best-selling books today in America. The book is about the last days and the Second Coming of Christ. The novel portrays Christ as a cruel man who seeks revenge on non-Christians. When Christ raises his right hand, all non-Christians gather before him and then...
Date of source: Friday, August 20, 2004
Dialogue with a society like the Western society, where there are many orientations, needs a special philosophy in order to reach the targeted audience. Dr. Zaghloul Al-Naggar said, “We should focus in the meantime on explaining the truth of Islam to the Western world because there are evil forces...
Date of source: Sunday, August 22, 2004
The campaign against Islam and Muslims is still going on in the US and Europe, and the attacks against Islam - the instigator of terrorism - are getting stronger every day. Those who defend Islam are absent from the international scene, and when they move, they do not follow a clear policy and do...
Date of source: Sunday, May 13, 2007
The author highlights Coptic antiquities and art, and their contribution to history.