Displaying 1 - 10 of 42.
This is the transcript of the presentation H.E. Bishop Dr. Yohanna Qulta (84) gave at the Webinar on Inclusive Citizenship on September 26, 2020. This transcript was made by Shady Saleh elSherif. Before Bishop Qulta became a priest he was teaching philosophy at Cairo University, Egypt. He is a...
The Dominican Fathers Monastery hosted a signing ceremony on the book “Father George Qanawātī: A Life for Interfaith & Intercultural Dialogue” authored by Dominican Father Jean-Jacques Pérennès.
The birth anniversary of Ṭaha Ḥusayn, a master of Arabic literature who died at the age of 83 in 1973, has been honored in recent days. Ḥusayn was a pioneer of enlightenment and contemporary writing in Egypt.
Dār al-Iftāʾ fatwā secretary, Shaykh Moḥammed Wasām, has stressed the importance of properly clarifying the historical narrations pertaining to the head of Imām Ḥussein, in light of the ongoing debate surrounding its presence in Egypt. 
A researcher in the Faculty of Archeology of Cairo University said the Holy Family’s journey in Egypt is considered to be one of the most important events in history as it was based on a sacred revelation and divine orders.
The General Organization for Cultural Palaces (GOCP) is organizing a symposium on the Holy Family Trail and its role in preserving the Coptic heritage and the Egyptian identity at the al-Sāmir Theatre in the Jīza district of al-ʿAjūza.
Writer Yūsuf Zīdān commented on the recent controversy surrounding the Takwīn Foundation, which launched its annual conference on Saturday (May 4).
To the sound of the hymns of “Sunday Dawn,” “The Resurrection,” and other songs, a boat sailed on cruise of the Nile on which there was a group of priests, tourism investors, and university professors, as well as representatives of Egyptian communities who lived abroad, to inaugurate a new...
Egypt’s Institute of Coptic Studies (ICS) is a renowned educational institution dedicated to Coptic history, heritage and culture. Affiliated with the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate and chaired by Pope Tawāḍrūs II of Alexandria, the ICS was established in January 1954 by the Millī (Community) Council...
The Coptic Orthodox Church has different clerical titles ranging from deacon (Shemās), priest (Kāhin/Qasīs, depending on function), archpriest (Qummūṣ), monk (Rāhib), archbishop (Muṭrān) and bishop (Usquf), as well as other titles granted to a church minister in accordance with the hierarchy he...


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