Displaying 41 - 50 of 106.
Majdī Khalīl answers 11 questions that show the world’s state after September 11.
This article discusses the historical origins of the Shī’ah - Sunnī conflict; now expressing itself in Iraq.
The author analyses recent conflicts between the West and Islamic regimes, including the recent conflict between Israel and the Hizb Allāh and asserts that ultimately the war is one of many battles to be fought between those who wish to join the modern world and those who think they have an...
The author talks about Abū Mus‘ab al-Zarqāwī’s life and notes that al- Zarqāwī has turned out to be one of the most wanted terrorists and bloodiest criminals in the history of Iraq.
In this article the author reviews the book, ‘Monks Garden for the Popes of the Coptic Church,’ and its effect on monastic life.
In a statement published on the Internet yesterday, the leader of al-Qā‘ida, Usāma Bin Lādin, vowed to avenge the death of the group’s leader in Iraq, Abu Mus‘ab al-Zarqāwī.
The queen of Jordan holds a conference urging the world to stand up to violence against children in war-torn Arab countries.
The increasing influence of religion in Syrian society is the result of the failure of the secular regime to implant its ideology in the minds of the people, member of the secular Ba‘th Party, Mus‘ab al -Jindī, says.
The author argues for the existence of a third generation of terrorists, and the features that distinguish them from previous generations.
The author investigates in this series of articles the early beginnings of the Salafist ideology that depends on jihād as its principal activity and discusses the reverberations of this movement in several countries.


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