Displaying 61 - 70 of 75.
The general conference ended its sessions yesterday with 7 key recommendations.
Vatican circles are currently concerned with preparations for a program that will bring Pope John Paul II to the Sinai in Egypt, Ur in Iraq, and occupied Jerusalem. An apology by the head of the Church for the Crusades will open a new era of relationships not only between the West and Muslims but...
Bishop Moussa, Bishop-General of Youth at the Coptic Orthodox Church, affirmed that peace with Israel is very difficult because of its obstinate policies with Arab countries. He added that the Qana massacres, which claimed the lives of innocent civilians in southern Lebanon three years ago have...
What happened in Nazareth is of great concern to us as it was the first time religious strife was provoked between Palestinian Muslims and Christians after years of peaceful co-existence.
Strange religious and non-religious groups with very strange and potentially dangerous ideas concerning the dawning of the third millennium after Christ are beginning to be become known. This article is a summary of an article downloaded by the newspaper off California Net.
Three weeks ago, the Egyptian government was surprised by a request from the Israeli government to build a new Jewish synagogue in Cairo.
Only two days after Egypt’s largest militant Islamist organization, Al-Gama’a Al-Islameyya, announced its decision to stop all anti-government attacks, the underground Islamic Jihad said in a statement that it would continue the "struggle", mainly against the United States and Israel.
In an exclusive interview, Pope Shenouda III speaks frankly to Al-Ahram Weekly about the national role of the Church, the new draft Personal Status law, and other controversial issues.
"I read yesterday a commentary by ...the editor-in-chief of Akhbar El-Saa’a on an article published in the French Le Figaro newspaper about oppression of Copts in Egypt. [T]his is a stupid and cheap showpiece. Despite the stupidity and emptiness of this allegation, the question frequently arises:...


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