Displaying 101 - 110 of 434.
The author examines the question of how to ensure that democracy in Middle Eastern countries does not come at the expense of secularism, personal freedoms, and equal rights for women and minorities, given that both American policy-makers and most Arabs hold to the reductionist view that democracy...
The author discusses the events of 9/11 and argues that the attacks were the pretext for a frightening campaign against Islam and Muslims.
David Ignatius explores Iran’s seeming diplo-phobia, which makes it extremely reluctant to negotiate with the West over the issue of nuclear enrichment, and which made it drag its heels over a treaty with Iraq to end the Iran-Iraq war. He argues that for theocratic regimes or groups that claim a...
The author tackles the main reasons that lead to the appearance of terrorism and the role played by the state to protect citizens.
The article investigates a visit to Egypt by a delegation of Israeli students from the University of Ben-Gurion under the declared objective of letting Israeli students get closer to Arab and Islamic culture.
Reports of the terrorist bombing in Dahab, Sinai, and news that the security forces have allegedly broken up a group of 22 militants from the Victorious Group, who were planning bomb attacks on “degenerate youth in tourist areas,” a gas pipeline near Cairo, and Muslim and Christian religious...
The author says that a number of companies deceive Copts into buying a small bag, which they say contains soil of the Holy Sepulcher of Jesus Christ, a leaf of the sacred olive tree, otherwise known as the Virgin Mary’s Tree and a picture of Jesus Christ. The author points out that the bag is...
Relations between the Anglican church and some Jews are strained after a vote in the Church of England’s General Synod concerning investment in companies profiting from Israel’s illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories, in particular Caterpillar Inc., an American machinery company.
"Jewish fundamentalism in Israel" by Israel Shahak and Norton Matsvenski provides information about the different extremist trends in Israel. Most dangerous among them is the Messiahani group when matters are related to both the internal and foreign policies of Israel. The Haredim is another...
Minister of foreign affairs Ahmad Abu al-Ghayt has told the People’s Assembly that the Egyptian Foreign Ministry respects the ruling of the Administrative Court, banning an annual Jewish festival held at the shrine of a holy Jewish man in al-Buhayra.


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