Displaying 171 - 180 of 434.
Jerusalem has been an Arab city since its foundation. Islam came to make it the holy city for the followers of all revealed religions. The author wonders when and how Jerusalem became the spiritual homeland of Jews. The Torah was not revealed there and kings David and Solomon lived in it for a...
Egyptian authors show a continuous interest in discussions how to improve the Arab image in the West. This article was written on the request of Dr. Hamdi Hassan for Al-Ahram but not published. The article explains how Arabs can work on improving their image. They can do this IF they are realy...
Overview of the belief of the awaited Messiah in the Jewish faith. The author believes that the Jewish history is a struggle between mere religious faith on the one hand and the idea that aims at establishing a nation by the awaited Messiah on the other hand.
A research center affiliated to the Mossad accuses Egyptian author Muhammad Salmawi of anti-Semitism because of his story about Waf´a Idris, the first Palestinian young lady to commit a “martyrdom” operation against Israelis.
Comment on the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” and TV series “Knight without a Horse” with a reference to the Palestinian and Iraqi issues.
The American Zionist Christian Right is dreaming of Armageddon, when all Jews will gather in Palestine, the Aqsa Mosque will be demolished and the Jewish temple will be built. Among the strongest believers of this theology is Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson who are close to President Bush.
The opinions of different sheikhs and Muslim scholars concerning whether the participation of Arabs in the Knesset is permitted according to the Shari´a or not.
Sheikh Youssef Al-Qaradawi comments on different issues: The US war against Iraq, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, cloning and gender issues.
The difference between the Israeli and Egyptian press in reporting news related to the Palestinian and Israeli attacks reflect the polarization taking place. A major difference is in reporting and selecting news and quotes. That is most remarkable in the way the Palestinian condemnation of the...
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