Displaying 211 - 220 of 434.
An American church has adopted resolutions boycotting American companies that support Israel. This church has also been joined by other churches who have promised to adopt similar resolutions unless the United States removes the wall dividing Israel and Palestine.
Dr. ‘Āmir al-Zanātī, a professor of Hebrew in the Faculty of Arts at ‘Ayn Shams University, has studied the way in which Jewish orientalists depict the Prophet Muhammad to Hebrew readers.
Dr. Larry Levine states that there is no justification for religiously-motivated violence in Judaism.
Jewish terrorism against Arabs and Muslims has a long history. A quick look at these terrorist attacks shows that over 500 people have been killed and many others wounded since the 1970s.
Thomas Friedman argues that most political parties in the Middle East have given up their founding principles.
The Israeli Seasonal journal Kivonim has published an article about Israeli Strategy in the 1980s. The study reflected the policy orientation of the Hebrew state as it felt increasingly insecure vis-a-vis its powerful neighbors.
Before completing this discussion of the Arab-Jewish conflict over Palestine, we must consider Arab indifference, weakness and subordination.
The political position of the states and governments in the Arab East towards the Crusader-Zionist project to usurp the lands of Palestine oscillated between a vigilance that relied on awareness about the national interests and a betrayal brought about by the stampede to catch the leftovers from...
The false western accusation that Islam spread, 14 centuries ago, by the sword can not be defended but by the current similar spread of American democracy by its sophisticated war machine.
Judaism was the womb from which Christianity and later Islam have gone out. It is the first divine legislation and no other conviction has preceded it.


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