Displaying 311 - 320 of 434.
Last year, Jews all over the world celebrated the 800th anniversary of the death of Jewish scholar Musa Ibn Maymun, who is universally considered the most important Jewish thinker in the last 2,000 years.
The West accepted blindly Jewish lies and distorted Christian facts. Lord Shaftesbury offered in 1840 a program to the London conference pertaining to the settlement of Jews in the land of Palestine, acting upon the “a land without a people for a people without a land” rule, which was adopted by...
Before discussing the ‘other’ in the Jewish mind, we will, first, probe into the Jewish “self,” and know how this “other” is referred to in their language, history and politics. That was the theme of a conference organized by the Hebrew Language and Literature section at the Faculty of Arts, cAyn...
The Holy Synod of the [Greek] Orthodox Church, which is the biggest orthodox clerical organization in Palestine, decided to defrock Patriarch Irineos, for reasons of selling church property to colonizing organizations [reference to selling Greek Orthodox property, land and buildings, to Israel,...
A war is raging now in Yemen between the government and those who the government describes as the pro-Husayn al-Hawthī rebels who adhere to al-Zaydī doctrine (madhhab) and former member of the Parliament. Nevertheless, some sources said that the circle of conflict had widened and covered all...
Some 260 Christians left Cairo on April 22, 2005 carried by El Al and EgyptAir’s Air Sinai flights for Israel. Air Sinai has flown the Orthodox Copts while the Israeli carrier El Al flew 37 Catholic Copts.
When various denominations of Protestant Christianity judaized Christianity they created the root of Christian Zionism that is ruling the US today.
Celebrating the Passover, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported an alliance of 20 organizations of the Jews from Egyptian origin, in Israel and around the world, on the demand to save the Jewish legacy in Cairo and Alexandria.
Discussing the Jewish personality is an interesting yet a tiring matter. It is a psychopathic complicated personality; it is hard to discover its concealed darkness that is full of contradictions between the inherited and literal believes of Torah.
The Holocaust--the Nazi genocide of the Jews during the Second World War-- serves as a basis to raise money for its Jewish victims and to raise sympathy to in turn consolidate and justify its stance towards the Palestinian cause.


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