Displaying 31 - 40 of 49.
A Kuwaiti pastor and many other defendants are accused of beating a man and causing him permanent injury. He was sentenced to three and a half years imprisonment. The court of appeal will give its verdict on their lawyer’s appeal today. The RNSAW added its comment.
"Lola Al-Molaa", the secretary-general of the Women Cultural Association in Kuwait warned people about crimes of individual assault and some other crimes, which some people are trying to say, are motivated by and acceptable on religious grounds. Her warning came as a comment on the recent attack on...
Three warped people intercepted a female student in Kuwait and whipped her and cut her hair because she did not wear the veil [Islamic dress and head cover]. They lately explained their brutal action by declaring that Islam has grown up on the sword’s edge.
Sub-titles: The issue of Jerusalem will not be solved through negotiations, be ready for other options. I refused to visit Bethlehem because the Israeli flag profanes its lands. We have to take an action to face the Israeli nuclear domination With confidence, faith and cheerfulness, Pope Shenouda...
The struggle about obtaining voting rights for women in Kuwait. Muslim Brothers in Kuwait oppose women getting these rights.
A jailed Kuwaiti professor and newspaper columnist was taken to hospital with an irregular heartbeat after a four-day hunger strike to protest his imprisonment for blasphemy against Islam, supporters said on October 10.
The arrest of Ahmed Baghdadi, head of Kuwait University’s Political Science Department and a newspaper columnist, on blasphemy charges has triggered a war of words between the country’s influential Islamists and liberals. While liberals criticized the sentence for being an alleged infringement of...
The sweeping of Kuwait’s parliamentary polls on July 3 might bode well for women’s suffrage, but it also raises the prospects of a new showdown between MPs and the emir’s government. Opposition candidates won a two-thirds majority in the poll, giving the liberals and Islamists the power to block...
Counting of votes which could herald a new era of women’s rights in Kuwait went into the early hours of Sunday [July 4, 1999] with first returns showing a tight race between opponents and supporters of proposed full female emancipation. A key issue in the Gulf nation’s parliamentary election held...
The author slams calls to kill those who desert Islam for other religions, emphasizing people’s freedom of religion.


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