Displaying 11 - 20 of 34.
The article is a commendation of Pope Shenouda III, the Patriarch of the Sea of Saint Mark, with a focus on his role in the field of human rights, religious tolerance and dialogue between religions.
The International Islamic Council for Da´awa [preaching] called for an international Islamic-Christian dialogue conference in Libya. The slogan of the conference was “know one another” Participants presented and studied many papers about the concept of “knowing one another” as one of the...
Pope Shenouda III received the Al-Qadhafi Award for Human Rights in Tripoli as a reward for his national and spiritual stands.
The article reports the recommendations taken by an Islamic-Christian conference held in Tripoli. The recommendations affirm the separation between some of the political attitudes of some western governments and Christianity and between Islam and terrorism.
During his visit to Libya to receive the Al-Qadhafi Award for Human Rights, Pope Shenouda will perform a mass for the first time in the history of Libya. Thousands of Egyptian Copts living there are expected to attend the mass.
The author expresses his happiness at the fact that Pope Shenouda won the Al-Qadhafi Award for Human Rights. He believes that giving such an award to the pope means giving it to the whole of Egypt.
The author gives a historical background on Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Abdel-Wahab and how Wahabism was established in the Arabian Peninsula. He believes Wahabism is an Islamic reformation movement.
A recent symposium held in the Libyan capital Tripoli underlined the importance of interfaith dialogue in confronting the world’s troubles facing and the need to exert more efforts countering attempts to link Islam and terrorism.
A review of articles in the Egyptian press on the Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, examining the effect of the demonstrations across the Muslim world on Egypt’s tourist industry and suggestions that governments in Islamic countries have encouraged angry opposition to the cartoons to vent...
Certain parties have managed to dominate the minds of some Europeans and bring them into a state of genuine panic about losing their national identity at the hands of what they called the Islamic cultural invasion. This has been one effective result of the boycott against Denmark following the...


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