Displaying 201 - 210 of 233.
The construction of a mosque in Nazareth has not caused a crisis between the Vatican and Israel, which will "very warmly receive" Pope John Paul II next year, Israel’s envoy to the Holy See said on Friday.
Churches in the Holy Land unlocked their doors Wednesday after a two-day shutdown in protest at the building of a mosque in Nazareth but tensions inflamed by the project were still running high.
Pilgrims shed tears of frustration at the locked door of Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity on Monday as Holy Land churches shut in protest over plans to build a mosque near a Christian shrine in Nazareth.
Four leaders of the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, were released on Sunday and flown to Qatar after the case against them was dropped, Prime Minister Abdur-Ra’uf S. Rawabdeh said.
The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) said on Tuesday it had asked the Latin Church to exclude the West Bank from a two-day Christian strike protesting at the building of a mosque in Nazareth, Jesus’ home town.
The Palestinian Islamic Jihad offered Wednesday to "cooperate" with Lebanese authorities after they sternly warned the group not to launch anti-Israeli attacks from southern Lebanon. But there was still no word on whether Islamic Jihad would halt its military operations, and its officials were not...
Sub-title: ’Hamas has insisted on its position, which justified taking measures to protect Jordan’s security’ His Majesty King Abdullah on Sunday said the Hamas issue will be resolved soon, but noted that there can be no return to the former situation, stressing that recent measures taken by the...
The government and the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, on Saturday failed to reach a breakthrough to the deadlock amid signs that the government might refer the case of Hamas detainees to the State Security Court in few days if the Palestinian group refused to comply with Jordan’s conditions.
The military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas threatened on November 6 to renew attacks in response to Israel’s Jewish settlement policies. The statement containing the warning was issued two days before Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization began talks on November 8.
The optimism that followed the first round of negotiations between the Jordanian government and the Muslim Brotherhood to secure the release of Hamas resistance movement leaders from Jordanian jails seems to have ebbed.


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