Displaying 181 - 190 of 261.
In the context of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, one fact is made evident while another is totally eclipsed. The evident fact is the way the Palestinian intifada is ascribed to Islam and Islam is linked to terrorism, while the absent fact is the role of the Christian Palestinians. The former...
A study titled "Arabs in Israeli curricula" said Israelis have always been giving Arabs and Muslims an antagonistic look despite several peace treaties signed between the two sides, as still Israeli curricula are based on the Zionist ideas and principles laid by Theodor Herzl and others.
The Zionist-Christian clergy have viewed the US-led war on Iraq in March 2003 as something that would guarantee the security of Israel. They believe that war is one of the conditions to materialize the Torah’s prophesies on the advent of Christ.
It was an astonishing and embarrassing episode to see the absence of the Arab World from the battle for an academic boycott of Israeli universities. Only Palestinian academics pursued the efforts to continue the British academic boycott against Israeli academia.
The Egyptian Orthodox Church celebrates Jesus’ Holy Journey to Egypt on Bashans 24th (June 1). This day is a festival for all Egyptians. Because of Jesus’ arrival, Egypt became another Holy Land after Palestine.
Heads of Orthodox churches decided to withdraw the recognition of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Irenios I, and agreed with the Jerusalem Bishops Congregation’s decision concerning his dismissal after accusing him of selling church possessions to Israelis.
The Hebrew Mission was set up on behalf of the people of Israel to urge world Jews to emigrate to Palestine. The following year – 1888 – saw its founder William E. Blackstone visiting Palestine and raising the slogan “a land without a people for a people without a land.”
It is not about defending the terrorist Ashraf Sa‘īd Yousuf, but rather about defending [the human being] Ashraf who was born and died in miserable inhuman conditions. He was a “citizen” who had always lived on the peripheries of society and ended up dying shamefully
Democracy is only the ripe fruit of the modern spirit and that is why democracy relies on the mature individual being and the consolidation of the value of citizenship that places the individual in the very center of political life.
The contract was signed on August 16, 2003 between the Greek Orthodox Patriarchy and the lawyer of some Jewish investors. The Patriarch, Irineos I, was represented in the signing by the financial agent of the patriarchy’s property, Nicholas Papadimas.


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