Displaying 201 - 210 of 261.
Islamic jihād was behind the liberation of the East after 10 centuries of Byzantine, Greek, and Roman tyranny. It then turned the East from the heart of Christianity tothe heart of Islam. This led to Western Christianity’s jealousy, and triggered the crusades. Thus, Latin settlements were implanted...
The armed conflicts in Iraq and the Palestinian-Israeli area grasp the greatest part of world press coverage. Journalists have always been among the civilian victims killed. Twentysix journalists and media people were killed in these regions in 2004, compared to 22 during 2003.
‘The other in the Jewish mind’ is the title of the conference held today at the Faculty of Arts, ‘Ayn Shams University, under the auspices of the University’s President and with the participation of a number of academics from Egypt and the whole world.
Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot warned against the outbreak of the third intifada [uprising] due to the recent incidents pertaining to the al -Aqsa Mosque, urging the Palestinian factions to “suppress anger” and “practice self-restraint.”
The Islamic chivalry has liberated Jerusalem and Palestine from the invaders and kept the holy city – under the tolerance of Islam – open to all people of other religions as declared by Salah El-Din (1137-1193) in his message to King Richard I “the Lion-Hearted” (1157- 1199) of England.
The Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Church is accused of selling the church’s properties to Jewish colonialists, a scandal which triggered uproar among Palestinians and Arab Christians. The Jordanian government demanded the Patriarch, who has Jordanian citizenship, to provide explanations and...
Israeli Maariv newspaper revealed recently uncovered that the Greek Orthodox Church have sold Zionists a whole street that encompasses the cUmar Ibn al-Khattāb square in the Old City in Jerusalem, where there are a lot of restaurants, shops and two hotels owned by two groups of Jewish investors...
Copts think that they are strengthening their presence by getting back the persons who have left the Church under the pretext of abduction and conversion under duress. Muslims in general deem this as some power or authority practiced by the Church to prevent anyone from converting to Islam. Copts...
A delegation from the US Embassy in Cairo recently paid a visit to the Upper Egyptian city. First Secretary Ian McCary said in a number of statements to reporters that he supports the recent wave of protests in Egypt. He said that he calls for more freedom for the Copts and church building, noting...
The Jewish State’s aggressions against the Palestinians can only be described as a blatant transgression that requires the Palestinians as well as all Muslims of the world to resist violently. In fact, the Palestinians have been subjected to oppression, expulsion and killing since the early...


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