Displaying 231 - 240 of 261.
Sub-title: ’Hamas has insisted on its position, which justified taking measures to protect Jordan’s security’ His Majesty King Abdullah on Sunday said the Hamas issue will be resolved soon, but noted that there can be no return to the former situation, stressing that recent measures taken by the...
The government and the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, on Saturday failed to reach a breakthrough to the deadlock amid signs that the government might refer the case of Hamas detainees to the State Security Court in few days if the Palestinian group refused to comply with Jordan’s conditions.
The military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas threatened on November 6 to renew attacks in response to Israel’s Jewish settlement policies. The statement containing the warning was issued two days before Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization began talks on November 8.
The optimism that followed the first round of negotiations between the Jordanian government and the Muslim Brotherhood to secure the release of Hamas resistance movement leaders from Jordanian jails seems to have ebbed.
Prime Minister Abdur-Ra’uf S. Rawabdeh on Sunday met with a delegation representing the Muslim Brotherhood movement to end the two-month-old deadlock between the government and the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas.
Hamas, the main Palestinian opposition movement, recently reaffirmed its opposition to the Middle East peace process on the grounds that it would neither enable the Palestinian people to recover their minimum legitimate rights nor realize their national aspirations.
Plans to introduce civil marriage in Palestinian-controlled areas were denounced on Sunday as "legalized adultery" by Muslim and Christian leaders.
The second article in this series can be found in last week’s RNSAW. This article discusses the traditions of Yemeni Jews and Yemeni Jews living abroad.
About 150 Palestinian Christians demonstrated outside the Church of the Nativity here on Sunday against the Greek leaders of the Orthodox Church, whom they accused of selling land to Israelis.
A group of 25 Christian pilgrims who were barred from Israel and Cyprus arrived at the mainland Greek port of Piraeus on Thursday and were allowed to enter the country, port police said.


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