Displaying 241 - 250 of 261.
An overview of the history of the Jews in Yemen over the past 100 years. Emigration from Yemen was supported by the Zionist movement. But, says the author, instead of coming into the promised land they came in a country where they were discriminated.
Christian clergymen who came from Jerusalem highlighted the plight of the dwindling Palestinian Christian community as it prepares to celebrate in Bethlehem its 2000-year jubilee next December at a joint ceremony of all 13 Christian sects.
The government’s month-old crackdown on the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, has led to divisions among Jordanians, from senior officials downwards, officials and analysts said on Monday.
A key witness in the case of the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, failed to appear before the State Security Court.
Palestinian police have detained dozens of suspected Islamic Jihad militants.
A Palestinian court ordered the release Monday of Abdul Aziz Rantisi, a top member of the Islamic militant group Hamas.
Jordan’s crackdown on Hamas, the Islamic Resistance Movement known for its suicide attacks on Israelis, will strengthen the group’s more moderate Palestinian-based leadership, officials and analysts believe.
All eyes are on the moderate and centrist wings within the Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamic Action Front to contain a possible fallout from Wednesday’s [September 22’s] arrest of Hamas politburo chief Khaled Misha’al and the movement’s spokesman, Ibrahim Ghosheh.
Before Israel released the first group of Palestinian prisoners in accordance with the revised Wye River accord, the Israeli Supreme Court’s ruled that the interrogation methods employed Israel’s Shin Bet security agency constituted torture and were thus illegal. The article concludes that the...
A senior government official on Friday detailed the "illegal acts" committed by the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, that triggered a government crack-down on the group in Amman earlier this month. Hamas has denied the charges and has said that many of the government’s charges were baseless or...


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