Displaying 41 - 50 of 261.
The author of the article, Zayn al- ‘Ābidīn al-Rikābī, believes that the Sunnī- Shī‘ah sectarian conflict in Iraq is playing into the hands of the United States, which, he says, is now trying to divide the Middle East along ethnic lines. Explaining the significant doctrinal disagreement between...
The author discusses national unity in the Arab world.
The article discusses the historical development of the Jewish presence in Palestine.
Husām ‘Abdul Hakam and ‘Imād Basālī made an adventurous journey through Jewish synagogues in Egypt.
The writer talks about the political role of Islamic groups in the Arab Muslim world in an attempt to answer the question: Is Arab democracy possible without Islamists?
Sāmih Fawzī writes about Takfīr and Rose al- Yūsuf, questioning the role of the Islamic Research Academy. Fawzī highlights the phenomena of recorded tapes that put national unity under threat as they encourage religious discrimination and call for supporting mujāhids.
The tenth World Conference of Islamic Youth recommended adopting an Islamic strategy for the renewal of schools and universities’ curriculum to cope with renewed religious discourse and respond to the suspicions raised against Islām.
Transcript of a speech presented by William Dalrymple at the American University in Cairo, highlighting his experiences traveling to Christian Holy sites throughout the Middle East, as well as his personal interpretation of political Islām. He includes references to both historical and present day...
Dr. Muhammad ‘Imārah writes about the status of women in Islām, quoting German orientalist, Sigrid Hunke, in this regard.
Dr. ‘Alī al-Sammān, the former chairman of the Azhar’s interfaith dialogue committee, says the Arab-Israeli conflict is the root of all evil worldwide, adding that there is no clash between religions but rather a political influence that uses religion to attain its objectives.


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