Displaying 1 - 10 of 215.
Early Saturday morning, two oil facilities in Saudi Arabia, Biqayq and Khurayṣ, were attacked by drones, temporarily halting oil production and slowing down natural gas production at the facilities.  Together, these two facilities produce 9.5 million barrels every day, over half of Saudi Arabia’s...
Grand Imām Dr. Shaykh Ahmad al- Tayyib head of the Azhar stated that the Custodian of the Two Holy Places, King ‘Abd ‘Allah Ibn Abd al- ‘Azīz al- Saūd is a wise and experienced leader who is alert to the conspiracies that is arranged from forces of evil to Arab and Muslim countries
The Saudi police arrested three Egyptian brothers working in trade and charged them of missionary activity.
In this article, the author gives historical background on the emergence of the Saudi dynasty, as well as its relationship with Wahhabism and the militant organization of Ikhwan Najd. It further discuses the influence of their ideologies on the current Saudi state.
The number of women in Saudi Arabia is five million of whom 55 percent are university graduates. However, only 5.5 percent of them work. With the spread of the word ?change? in the Middle East, every Saudi woman now sees it as her right to get a better status at work, in participation in society...
One of the issues that surfaced after September 11 is the issue of "religious discourse" and its importance in showing that Islam is not a religion of violence and terrorism. Articles covered in this press review show what kind of religious discourse is needed today and whether there are Western...
The article sheds light on Islamic banks and investment of capital companies. They have a religious appearance and a commercial nature. It also comments on the relations between Saudi Arabia and the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Saudi Minister of Interior accused the Muslim Brotherhood of being behind most of the problems of the Arab and Muslim world. He announced the deportation of several Brothers for trying to destabilize the Kingdom. Such action was a surprise, especially in the light of the history of cooperation...
The article presents a brief review of some literary works on the hajj, to show how literature has been influenced by religious values in society.
The author comments on Pope Benedicts XVI’s controversial statement while making extreme statements about the nature of Islam.


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