Displaying 31 - 40 of 87.
An armed man called Abass al-Baqar killed 20 worshippers in Ans...
The American clergyman Franklin Graham said to an American news channel yesterday that Islam’s followers know how to "torture others," especially those who convert from Islam to other religions.
Condoleezza Rice’s tour to the Middle East region reveals the new American formula of “moderation versus extremism.”
The author attacks Sudanese thinker Hasan al-Turābī, describing him as a failed Sunnī version of al-Khūmaynī. He says that his thoughts are contradicted and twisted.
In Eastern Sudan, a Muslim girl has married a Christian boy, based on a fatwa given by Shaykh al- Turābī, general secretary of the Sudanese National Conference Party.
A number of Muslim scholars have urged the Azhar’ s Islamic Research Academy to refute the recent controversial fatwas of the Sudanese spiritual leader, Dr. Hasan al- Turābī.
Sudanese politician and prominent Islamist Hasan al-Turābī explains some recent controversial statements he made about the permissibility of Muslim women marrying kitābīs [People of the Scripture] and the misunderstanding of the word hijāb in the Qur’ān, as well as a host of political and...
Hasan al- Turābī’s liberal stand on women’s rights has angered many Muslim scholars around the world. His recent controversial fatwas, permitting marriage between Muslim women and kitābīs [Reviewer: People of the book: Christians and Jews] and allowing women to lead men in communal prayers,...
Sudanese Islamic leader Dr. Hasan al- Turābi has recently made known some of his views on a number of controversial Muslim issues, including the hijāb, marriage between a Muslim woman and a kitābī [Reviewer: belonging to the book, a Christian or a Jew], women leading prayers and the testimony of...
Husām Tammām investigates the phenomenon of new preachers and Sufism in Sudan portraying their rites and what he calls “Modern Sufism.”


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