Displaying 61 - 70 of 87.
When I. visited the monastery of the Holy Virgin on the Western Mountain of Dronka in Assiut, I saw at the foot of the mountain a vast area covered with gloomy brushwood. The monastery tried hard to clean up the area and cultivate it with timber-producing woods—watered by the drained water—but the...
More than 50 Christians were lashed, after a court decision, because they demonstrated about the cancellation of the Easter mass that was supposed to be performed in Al-Saha Al-Khadra’a [The green field]. The court’s ruling was immediately implemented. An appeal will be made although it will take...
The Sudanese authorities stopped extremist Islamists and Christians who demonstrated against the location of the Easter celebration being changed. The Sudanese Minister of Interior gave the reasons for the change in venue.
Catholic leaders from Nairobi issued a statement in which they described the war in southern Sudan as tragic and unethical. Supporters of the popular movement of Colonel John Garang described the statement as taking sides and not being precise. Government supporters said the statement can be the...
This is the third part of the dramatic scene in which the writer gives the pros and the cons of the idea of establishing an Islamic party by the Muslim Brotherhood through a conversation between three friends [see RNSAW week 49, article 6 and week 50, article 3]. The friend who opposed the idea is...
An armed man called Abbass Al-Baqar shoot, randomly, at the worshippers in the mosque of Al-Garapha village in Sudan. Twenty worshippers were killed and more than 40 others were moved to Umdurman Hospital. An official spokesman of the Sudanese police said that Al-Baqar belongs to the group of Al-...
Fourteen leaders of Islamic organizations and of specialized professors in religious affairs in Sudan issued a fatwa that accuses members of the [National] Democratic Front of blasphemy because of an article one of the members of the Front wrote which is said to defame Islam and the Prophet.
An interview with Ibrahim Shukry, the 83 year old head of the Islamist Labor Party on al-Koshh and the place of Coptic Christians in Egypt.
Members of the Episcopal Church of Sudan (ECS) on October 16 fended off the latest government move to seize their church and land in the same way as they handled previous attempts, by prayers and fasting.
The US State Department announced on October 6 that China, Iran, Iraq, Myanmar (Burma), and Sudan were liable for diplomatic and economic sanctions for engaging in "particularly severe violations of religious freedom during the preceding 12 months."


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