Displaying 1611 - 1620 of 2815.
Christianity can be abbreviated in just one word: love, which is the center of Jesus Christ’s teachings. It is, however, the most difficult religion to understand, according to French magazine VSD, which published a special file on the three divine religions.
Judaism was the womb from which Christianity and later Islam have gone out. It is the first divine legislation and no other conviction has preceded it.
Muslim organizations in Germany unified under one umbrella, just as happened earlier in France. Some 40 out of 50 Islamic organizations met in Hamburg and decided to unite and cooperate to make the Muslim community in Germany stronger to deal with the state on bases of more respect, representation...
After Marion Boyd, former member of the New Democratic Party in the Canadian province of Ontario, had issued a recommendation allowing the application of the provisions of Islamic sharī‘a [law], a row was triggered in predominantly French Quebec with an outcry by feminist associations that viewed...
Some 70 Members of Parliament reject a visit to be paid by the US Congress Freedom from Religious Persecution Committee, which they view as an attempt to interfere in domestic political affairs and have an impact on the public opinion trends within the period in which Egypt is preparing for the...
A book called Hayāt Muhammad [The Life of Mohammed], allegedly written by Revd. George Bush, the great grandfather of the incumbent US president, has caused a commotion in religious and popular circles, especially after the Azhar’s Islamic Research Academy has reportedly taken a final decision...
Professor Bruce B. Lawrence, the head of the religions department of the Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, is the author of the book Islam Beyond Violence, in which he defended the religion many Western writers allege as one that urges believers to be extreme and violent and assault...
The French magazine Science et Vie [Science and Life] has proven the shroud exhibited in Torino and claimed to be the one in which the body of the Christ was wrapped after his crucifixion, to be fake.
French newspaper Le Monde has recently dedicated a supplement on the status of Christians in the Arab world and neighboring countries, particularly Iran and Turkey.
A London-based fundamentalist center revealed that Britain’s Home Office has turned down a political asylum application by an Egyptian Islamist affiliated with the banned al-Jamā‘a al-Islāmīya [Islamic Group].


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