Displaying 2011 - 2020 of 2815.
Al-Ahrām has interviewed a number of Muslim scholars in an attempt to unearth some of the reasons for the underdevelopment of the Muslim world.
Discussion on the coalition of civilizations requires a through study of all factors that make such coalitions successful.
Salāh ‘Īsa believes that the increasing popularity of political Islam currents has become an obstacle to political and democratic reform in the Arab world.
The people in the West only know what they see with their own eyes: bombings, threats, kidnappings, slaughter, murder and intimidation of innocent civilians at the hands of groups acting in the name of Islam and holding a copy of the Qur’ān in one hand and a knife in the other.
According to the beliefs of the Sufi group Charity and Justice, Prophet Muhammad sometimes attends their meetings either to give dates to the female members or give them good omens that the time of triumph is imminent and tell them that they have to be prepared, for the political future of Morocco...
Ramadān says that the constitution and laws must be respected "when everything in the country is socially, culturally, economically and legally not against any Muslim principle."
John Ord tells the story of his conversion to Islam.
Kuwaiti writer Layla al-‘Uthmān places responsibility for the backwardness of Arab societies on the educational system in the Arab world.
The European Commission has urged the mass media not to promote terrorist activities. Other agreements were also made to make the funding of terrorist organizations more difficult.
The author claims that the attacks of September 11, 2001 have had the reverse effect from that intended by al-Qa’īda.


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