Displaying 71 - 80 of 2817.
The Arab-West Report newsletter about the analysis of Dr. John Mearsheimer led to several angry responses. Mearsheimer puts the blame for the war on NATO. This should not be explained as an approval for the Russian war on Ukraine. Dutch physicist Dr. Evert du Marchie and Dutch Arabist and...
Throughout history, Russia and Ukraine have been allies and foes. No doubt they had indissociable bonds. In this article of former CAWU intern Valeria Bez we will see how the two nations evolved, what sort of relations shaped between them, and what the ethnic issue has to do with the war of 2022...
The Royal Institute for Inter Faith Studies (RIIFS) held a lecture entitled “Arab-Christian Heritage and Christian-Islamic Dialogue”, delivered by Dr. Wajīh Yūsuf. Several scholars, including clergymen and Muslim religious leaders participated in this lecture.
After the publication of Be Thou There; the Holy Family’s Journey in Egypt (AUC Press, 2001), Cornelis Hulsman organized a number of ‘pilgrimages’ to locations of the Holy Family in Egypt.
Interview with Professor Mohammed S. Dajani Daoudi, Founder of the Wasatia Movement in Palestine and Director of the Wasatia Academic Institute in Jerusalem. Conducted by former CAWU intern Janneke Wijman on May 5th, 2020, via online platform Zoom. Both Janneke Wijman and Dr. Dajani Daoudi agreed...
The interview with Dr Amr Assad Khalil [ʿAmrū Asʿad Khalīl] is a journey to Moscow of the 80’s through the eyes of an Egyptian, a monologue of memory, a life story and warm conversation of two with the hum of a hard-working ventilator in the back.  Dr. Asʿad speaks about his anti-Israeli activities...
A decades-old conflict between Egyptian and Ethiopian monks over the ownership of the Monastery of the Sultan [dayr al-Sulṭān] in Jerusalem has flared up once again.
On December 20, 2020, Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī posted a tweet, blaming a lack of thinking on Muslims’ part for their current circumstances.  He quoted French Philosopher René Descartes’s saying “I think; therefore, I am,” but added that he fears that it will be said of Muslims: “You are not because you do...
Since the arrival of the novel Coronavirus, COVID-19, human life has completely changed.  Every place of gathering whether for worship or entertainment has been closed to people.  However, this is not the first time in human history that mosques have been closed. 
In this op-ed, the author argues that ignoring the local and sectarian nature of the Armenian and Syriac genocides comes at the risk of having these sentiments resurface again.  He then focuses on how these events tie with the situation on the ground for Christians in Turkey and Syria and the...


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