Displaying 751 - 760 of 2815.
The author examines the question of how to ensure that democracy in Middle Eastern countries does not come at the expense of secularism, personal freedoms, and equal rights for women and minorities, given that both American policy-makers and most Arabs hold to the reductionist view that democracy...
The statement made by the activists and members of Coptic associations which met in Montreal, Canada, April 7-9, 2006, to review and debate the situation of the Copts in Egypt and the future of Coptic activism.
The furor continues over the movie of ‘The Da Vinci Code’.
A number of Muslim scholars, who participated in the Muslim-Danish dialogue initiative a few months ago, unanimously agree that the engagement in positive and constructive dialogue with the West is a duty for every Muslim to correct the false perceptions of Islam in the West.
The author discusses the events of 9/11 and argues that the attacks were the pretext for a frightening campaign against Islam and Muslims.
An attempt at dialogue between students at the Azhar and a U.S. delegation has ended in mutual accusations, with the Americans accusing the Azhar of increasing hatred towards the West and Azharites accusing the West of a war on Islam.
More than one month before the opening ceremony of World Cup 2006 in Germany, a friendly match took place in Berlin between Muslim imāms and vicars as part of an initiative aimed at increasing understanding among religions.
David Ignatius explores Iran’s seeming diplo-phobia, which makes it extremely reluctant to negotiate with the West over the issue of nuclear enrichment, and which made it drag its heels over a treaty with Iraq to end the Iran-Iraq war. He argues that for theocratic regimes or groups that claim a...
The author suggests that the increasing number of suicide operations have not achieved their objectives and perhaps caused Islamic countries to fail to gain sympathizers, while at the same time, gaining the United States allies that used to be sworn enemies in the past.
The author argues that Muslims and Arabs, whether inside their own countries or abroad, fail to adopt strong positions in the face of challenges.


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