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It is important to pay attention to the minority in Lebanon since the main effects of the events in Syria are about a shift in the political weight of power, and maybe a change in geography as well, given the discussion of division in Syria.
Strange and suspicious calls are promoting a so-called Abrahamic Religion, which seeks to unite the three divine religions of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism into one faith that would bring the Qurʾān, the Bible, and the Torah together into one book.
Representative Nadīm Gemayel stated, “Ḥezbollah’s profanation of pre-emptive wars has proven to be a failure, as seen in the war in Syria, and the repercussions of crises, displacement, and crimes in Lebanon.”      
On Sunday, October 6, the eve of the first anniversary of the October 7, 2023 incidents, Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church reiterated his calls for an “immediate ceasefire” in the region of the Middle East, as well as the urgency for the release of the hostages detained in Gaza.
On Saturday, September 28th, the Islamic Resistance Movement, or Ḥamās, lamented the loss of Ḥasan Naṣrallah, Secretary-General of Ḥizbullah, whom Ḥizbullah confirmed to be murdered in an Israeli attack.
In his weekly sermon, Pope Tawāḍrūs expressed his deep concern over the suffering caused by armed conflicts, emphasizing the need to end the war in the region of Lebanon and Palestine, while upholding the ideals of wisdom, humanism, and mercy.
The annual conference at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, commonly known as the National Resilience Conference, which kicked off on Sunday, was preoccupied with three main issues.  The most important issues were related to Israel's prospects and ability to win a future war and questions about...
Background Yāssīn Jābar was the Lebanese Minister of Economics in 1996. Now he is a member of parliament representing the district of Nabṭiyya. His platform is liberal in its political slant, with an emphasis on Human Rights. Side A In April 1996, the south of Lebanon was attacked by Israel during...
Background: In a press conference after the Israeli military operation in South Lebanon in 1996, President Mubārak’s advisor Usāma al-Bāz comments and states his country's stance on the matter. He also responds to the questions of journalists and reporters from all over the world on the other...
Background:  Fāris Būīz, Lebanese Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants, elaborates upon the challenges that Lebanon faces with a focus on the imminent elections. Member of parliament ʿAṣām Fāris outlines his stance on Lebanon’s development, electoral law, economy and its place in the world....


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