Displaying 21 - 30 of 31.
A couple of days ago, a group of European Jewish thinkers met in France with their Israeli counterparts. The most important issue discussed was the necessity to end the [use of the] tactic of anti-Semitism as a tool to silence every voice that opposes the policies and the practices of the Israeli...
There is currently an interest in Europe to search for the separating line between criticizing some of Israel’s stances and anti-Semitism against Jews. In the United States, there is a search for the separating line between the unlimited support of Israel’s stances and prejudice against Arabs.
Israel is playing a dirty game with the card of anti-Semitism. Israel tries to terrorize European countries and people who oppose the policies of the government of Sharon. The Israeli prime minister said that “there is no separation between anti-Semitism and criticism of Israel.”
There is an organized Israeli plan to blackmail Europe to the detriment of Islam in a way that makes Jews stronger in Europe, while increasing hostility against Islam, Maariv, an Israeli newspaper, wrote.
In an interview on Egyptian television last Sunday on the occasion of the Holy Easter, Pope Shenouda expressed his opinions on the issues of anti-Semitism, the responsibility of Jews for the killing of Christ and the concept of the “chosen people” in reference to Jews. The opinions of Pope Shenouda...
The Arab-American Committee Against Discrimination in the U.S. protested Webster’s Dictionary altering the meaning of “anti-Semitism” in its new edition. The “anti-Semitism” entry in the dictionary designates anyone who is against Israel and sympathizes with its enemies as anti-Semitic.
The writer gives an overview of a new book published in France "Antisemitisme: L’ intolerable chantage Israel-Palestine, une affaire francaise?" The book shows that for the first time in the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, French public opinion inclines to the Palestinian side. It...
Ragab Al-Bana writes about an article published in the International Herald Tribune by Uri Avnery, who is the head of the Israeli peace movement Gush Shalom and a former member of the Knesset. The article reflects the opinion of a Jew, an Israeli, and a prominent political and intellectual...
No political philosophical invention has ever hit its target better than the misleading idea of anti-Semitism. Theodore Herzl used the term to make Jews all over the world feel that they were targeted and that they were surrounded with hostile dangers. This was a pressure point on Jews, which...
Are all those who criticize Israel anti-Semitic? Could someone be anti-Zionist without being anti-Semitic? Is Europe once more anti-Semitic? What about anti-Semitism in the Arab world? All these questions were posed and discussed by eminent Israeli writer and thinker Uri Avneri. Is Europe anti-...


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