Displaying 11 - 20 of 107.
In December of each year the villages of Damietta in Beheira keep an eye on the preparations for Abū Hasīrah feast in the village. Jews from all over the world attend this feast to drink and practice rites alien to those of the Egyptian people, according to the paper. The celebration starts with an...
A diplomatic source confirmed to Rose al-Yūsuf magazine, that the Israeli Embassy in Egypt has been informed that no tourist visas will be issued to Jews who intend to enter the country to celebrate the annual pilgrimage to Rabbi Abu Hasira, the Jewish rabbi, whose tomb is located in the village of...
MEMRI TV Clip No. 6274 highlighted the November 5 interview with firebrand lawyer Nabīh al-Waḥsh, who stated on Egyptian TV, “I'm proud to be anti-Semitic,” and “if I see any Israeli, I will kill him.”
MEMRI TV Clip No. 6274 highlighted the November 5 interview with firebrand lawyer Nabīḥ al-Waḥsh, who stated on Egyptian TV, “I'm proud to be anti-Semitic,” and “if I see any Israeli, I will kill him.”
Background: Shiḥāta Hārūn (1920–16.3.2001), one of the founding members of Ḥizb al-Tajammuʿ (National Progressive Unionist Party) and former lawyer is an Egyptian Jew. He was also among the many Egyptians arrested in 1967. His Jewish identity is intertwined with Egypt’s history and he never left...
AWR interns, Ahmed Deiab and Daniela De Maria, sat with film director, Amir Ramses, at his home in Dokki on August 14 to discuss his documentary film, "Jews of Egypt". Deiab and De Maria noted that he was very kind and welcoming despite having a flight to France the following morning. Ramses...
Security forces in al-Beheira arrested thirty protestors who were demonstrating against the Israeli celebration of Jewish Egyptian rabbi Abu Hasīrah. The Muslim Brotherhood, National Front for Change, and various bloggers against Abū Hasīrah called for a protest in front of the court academy in...
At the same time many Egyptians were protesting the celebration of Jewish Egyptian rabbi Abū Hasīrah in the delta region, many Jews are preparing themselves for the celebration of another Jewish figure with connections to Egypt. Jews celebrate the birth of Maimonides (Moses ben Maimon), who died in...
Muhsin Rabī‘, the head of the Department of Jewish Antiquities, has denied that the halting of reconstruction at the Jewish Synagogue in ‘Abbāsiyyah has anything to do with politics or prejudice. He says that Jewish synagogues are part of Egypt's history, chalking the work stoppage up to a lack of...
The Cairo Airport Authority is taking precautionary measures to ensure the safety of hundreds of Jews coming from Israel to take part in Mawlid celebrations that commemorate the death of Abū Hasīrah Ibn Ya‘qūb, a 19th century Jewish rabbi whose shrine is in Beheira. The "Over My Land They Won't...


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