Date of source: Tuesday, March 14, 2006
The author gives a brief review about the Book of Exodus.
Date of source: Saturday, March 12, 2005
In this article, the author explains that wearing a veil is not only a religious obligation for Muslim women, but is also an obligation for Christians and Jews. He lists different evidence from the Torah, gospels and the Qur’ān to prove his point.
Date of source: Monday, December 15, 2003
Dr. Larry Levine, an Orthodox Jewish professor from New York, USA, responds to Dr. Emara´s article in Al-Akhbar, December 12, 2003, AWR, 2003, week 50, art. 4. It is obvious Dr. Emara mixes between the teaching of Judaism and behavior he sees in practice in occupied territories. Claiming that the...
Date of source: Monday, December 15, 2003
Dr. Larry Levine criticizes Dr. Muhammad Emara´s comments on the Torah and Judaism in the previous issue of AWR. His main comment is that there is always the danger of reading any verse in the Hebrew Bible without the traditional commentaries. [Editor: Muslims would state that the same applies of...
Date of source: Friday, December 12, 2003
The author continues his comments on the Jewish religious discourse, stressing that it is racist and legitimizes the annihilation takes place in Palestine. He believes that modernists and secularists ignore such racist discourse. He asserts that Muslims need to renovate their Islamic religious...
Date of source: Saturday, August 9, 2003
Nabil Hilmi, Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Zaqaziq, together with a group of emigrant Egyptians in Europe plan to sue “all the Jews of the world” for stealing gold before their exodus from Egypt. They are preparing for payback of this gold with interest.
Date of source: Tuesday, August 26, 2003
Anderson, an American Independent Baptist, takes the text of the Torah as absolutely true, the infallible word of God. Archeological findings or lacking archeological findings must be interpreted along that standard.
Date of source: Tuesday, August 26, 2003
We asked Dr. Levine to respond to the article in al-Ahram and the comment of Egyptologist Lutfi Sherif. His response focusses on two arguments: Moses is a Hebrew name and the account of the Exodus is right. The arguments show that Dr. Levine and Lutfi Sherif will never agree on these points. For Dr...
Date of source: Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Egyptologist Lutfi Sherif led an AWR-visit to the land of Goshen in March 2003 and knows the discussion of archeologists on the Exodus quite well. Excavations in the Eastern Delta have become politically sensitive. This article mentions that the claim that the tomb of Alexander the Great was found...
Date of source: Wednesday, August 20, 2003
The writer presents an overview of a French book by historian Guy Rachet. The book is titled "La Bible mythe et realites: La Bible et I´histoire d´Israel" [The Holy Bible, myths and realities: The Holy Bible and the history of Israel]. It discusses the relations between Egypt and the...