Date of source: Wednesday, October 6, 1999
A Jewish extremist was convicted on Tuesday of plotting to deface a Muslim grave with a pig’s head and plotting to burn down an Israeli peace group’s office.
Date of source: Thursday, September 16, 1999
Before Israel released the first group of Palestinian prisoners in accordance with the revised Wye River accord, the Israeli Supreme Court’s ruled that the interrogation methods employed Israel’s Shin Bet security agency constituted torture and were thus illegal. The article concludes that the...
Date of source: Tuesday, September 14, 1999
Raising rumors about miracles is a continuous phenomenon for Jews. They use such things in order to reach certain religious and political goals, especially in times of historical crises.
Date of source: Tuesday, August 31, 1999
It is true some extremist Israeli groups refer to selected texts in the Torah or Old Testament, including the texts quoted by Mohammed Khalifa Hassan in order to support their claims. Hassan suggests that all religious Zionists share the same opinion when it comes to the interpretation of religious...
Date of source: Tuesday, August 31, 1999
Israeli extremism is usually connected to Jewish religious origins. The author quotes Joshua 1: 1-7 and Deuteronomy 20: 10-17 and says these are the principles Israeli extremists apply word by word.
Date of source: Tuesday, March 23, 1999
In a seminar titled "Religious and Political Extremism in Israel" organized by Ain-Shams University, discussions and research concluded that Jewish extremism in the most dangerous sort of religious extremism.
Date of source: Sunday, December 13, 1998
A few days ago, the French paper ’Le Monde’ revealed the escalation of religious persecution practices in Israel by the government and extreme Jewish groups. The paper said the acts of persecution are directed against Christians and Muslims in the occupied Arab territories and in Israel itself.
Date of source: Thursday, July 23, 1998
Archeological officials debated for three years whether to keep the museum in its current location. It has been decided to leave it where it is and to move some Islamic artifacts to other locations.
Date of source: Monday, June 8, 1998
The religious extremists in Israel have been granted their long standing request to devote special beaches for them after their numerous attacks on tourists and locals on Israeli beaches.