Displaying 191 - 200 of 560.
The author recounts the stories of five Jewish Israelis who converted to Islam, and the difficulties they met after conversion, as they are published in full details in an Israeli newspaper.
The most important aspect of the new picture of the Holocaust is the involvement of Zionist and non-Zionist members of Jewish groups in a strong relation of cooperation with the Nazis. Some examples of this relation are the role played by members of Jewish councils which were under the authority of...
The article is about the relation between Nazism and Zionism. The author argues that this relation goes beyond structural similarity and ideological interaction, as there is a certain tangible relation between both [ideologies].
The good relations between France and Muslims stir up Jewish anger. Jews started to provoke French media and some prominent French figures against Muslims in France and all over the world. The Israeli daily Ma´ariv accused the French president of being prejudiced towards Islam and if he does...
The article is about the ready-made accusation of anti-Semitism and how it aims at creating an atmosphere of fear that brings Israel above accountability. The author mentions examples of well-known personalities who were accused of anti-Semitism and how this accusation affected their future...
European Commissioner Frits Bolkestein directed a number of new accusations to Islam in courtesy of Jews at the time they were commemorating the memory of the German war against Jews [most likely the Holocaust is meant]. Bolkestein claimed that Islam, in its current state, does not meet the...
The article is about TV series “Al-Shatat” [Diaspora] aired by Al-Manar TV which is affiliated to Hizbullah. The author argues that Al-Manar made the mistake of presenting an extremely stereotyped picture of Jews. In addition to that Al-Shatat makes no efforts to distinguish between Jews and...
The article discusses how true the opinions of the Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Muhammad regarding Jews are and the significance of Western criticism of these opinions.
Western double standards are exposed. Attacking and defamation against Islam, in which 1.3 billion people over the world believe, has become the objective of many westerner politicians and intellectuals. While any one who approaches the Jews will be accused of being anti-Semitic.
The Manar satellite and ground channel of Hizbullah has not paid attention to the American objection to airing the TV series Al-Shatat [The Diaspora]. The spokesman of the State Department stated that his country strongly rejects any anti-Semitic works and brands as unacceptable any program that...


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