Displaying 271 - 280 of 560.
Dr. ‘Āmir al-Zanātī, a professor of Hebrew in the Faculty of Arts at ‘Ayn Shams University, has studied the way in which Jewish orientalists depict the Prophet Muhammad to Hebrew readers.
Judaism was the womb from which Christianity and later Islam have gone out. It is the first divine legislation and no other conviction has preceded it.
The Western scene of hectic intellectual, religious and practical endeavors to recapture Jerusalem and Palestine from the Muslim grip was marked by weirdness and brazenness.
The anti-Semitism law is an example of the inefficient Arab observation to the drafts of laws presented to the Congress and the failure to forming lobbies to try to hold talks with the American administration in order to discuss the laws that could afflict the interests of non-American governments...
In the recently enacted U.S. law on anti-Semitism, its engineers have cited what they called indications for acts of violence against Semitism during the last three months of 2003 and the first three months of 2004, including for example former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad’s...
Most of the time we are making mountains out of molehills and that is how the Arab mass media are depicting the Jewish Americans as if they were the ones who choose the White House inhabitant.
The new U.S. State Department’s office entrusted with monitoring acts of anti-Semitism will apparently focus on the Arab world for several considerations. One of these considerations is that the American report in this concern will be based on material from Zionist organizations like the Anti-...
In his speech on the occasion of the Lailat Al-Qadr was anti-Semitism, President Mubarak called for a correction of the meaning of anti-Semitism to include Islamophobia [anti-Islam] and anti-Christianity.
Jewish rabbis have been promoting a perverting falsified story about the birth of Christ. This story, which spread widely in medieval times, alleges that Virgin Mary has sinned with Joseph the carpenter in her menstruation period. Joseph then decided to fasten the accusation on the pious John who...
Despite the fact that Muslims believe in Jesus Christ and Jews do not believe in Him, Western Christians support Jews against Muslims. That is so because Christianity is now going through a process of politicization.


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