Displaying 361 - 370 of 560.
American reports stressed that leading figures of the Egyptian National Democratic Party, including Gamal Mubarak, head of the party's Policies Secretariat, succumbed to the pressures of Washington and Tel Aviv to publish an apology in Al-Liwaa' Al-Islami [AWR, 2004, week 35, art. 35] for the...
A number of Jewish writers have recently launched a fierce attack on the policy of the current Israeli government and its practices against the Palestinian people. Among those writers are Nessim Caldone and Afer Shaleh.
The Israeli Jewish lawyer Daphna Baram conducted a study about the attitudes of the Guardian [towards Arab-Israeli conflict]. Her results were published in a book titled "Disenchantment, the Guardian and Israel." Baram writes that the main objective behind the book is casting light on the shift in...
On September 7, Israeli newspapers published the text of a letter of senior Israeli rabbis directed to the head of the Israeli cabinet, Ariel Sharon. The letter urges Sharon not to hesitate to harm Palestinian civilians in the ongoing confrontations in the occupied territories.
Muslim extremist sheikhs, the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorist groups agree that a secularist is an unbeliever because he determines the type of relation he has with others according to the principle of citizenship. According to them, taking non-Muslims as friends is an act of unbelief even if...
The secretary general of the Union of French Islamic Organizations (UOIF) Fouad Elwi held a meeting with the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France. The results of this session were beyond what was expected due to the atmosphere of tension that prevailed during the meeting....
What is the benefit of neglecting dozens of vital issues which draw the attention of our society and affect its interests, and instead, opening useless debates on issues that are the concern of others. I am saying so to comment on the ongoing controversy over the article which appeared in Al-Liwaa...
Did Jews suffer from persecution in the Islamic World? Dr. Zebida Muhammad Ata answers this question in her book titled Yahoud Al-Alam Al-Arabi…Daawa Al-Itehad [The Jews of the Arab World…Claims of Persecution]. Dr. Ata’s book responds to the accusations Jews have directed to the Islamic Shari’a of...
Tayseer Idris played the role of Theodor Herzl in the series, “The Diaspora.” Our interview focused on this role, seeing as the media battle between Al-Manar channel, which showed the series, and the French Higher Council for Visual and Audio Media. continues unabated.
Since Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon called on French Jews to return to their motherland Israel, followed by his subsequent accusation of France and its officials of being anti-Semitic, everyone there [in France] is trying to deny this notion and satisfy Israel even if it is to the detriment...


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