Displaying 411 - 420 of 560.
A Christian missionary of British origin David McBell issued a number of warnings to the world. The most serious of these warnings concerns the Jews’ control over the world. He called on Christians and Muslims to wake up and join forces to offset the Jews and put a limit to their control, but also...
What did the Old Testament and the Talmud, both of which shape the existence of the Jews, say?!” What is happening to the Jewish faith in terms of feelings of superiority or genius, both of which have contributed to the discrimination between Jews and non-Jews in Jewish society. All these...
The United Organization for Research and Studies in Washington organized a meeting between Edward Miller [name is transliterated, no information available online], an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi and lawyer in New York, and a number of Muslim leaders in the Washington area. Miller is leading a campaign to...
This equality and tolerance shown by Islam is because Islam believes that all human beings are of one origin. Human rights in Islam are based on two points: equality, and the fact that human beings share one common origin. Everyone is equal before God; their good deeds make the difference. Many...
We have not taken notice of what is being written in Israel and what is being taught at schools there. Throughout the various stages of education in Israel, the Jewish student goes through a brain-wash from the first day in school, instilling a horrible image of Arabs. This image creates hatred and...
There is currently an interest in Europe to search for the separating line between criticizing some of Israel’s stances and anti-Semitism against Jews. In the United States, there is a search for the separating line between the unlimited support of Israel’s stances and prejudice against Arabs.
All heavenly [monotheistic] religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, are in their essence one heavenly religion, from Adam to Muhammad. The source of these religions and their laws is one: God, and the aim of religion is one: Guiding people to the worship of God. That is why it is impossible...
His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria and the Patriarch of the See of Saint Mark inaugurated a number of churches and consecrated monks in Luxor, Sohag and Qena during his tour in Upper Egypt that will continue until Monday. The Pope met with Copts of Upper Egypt and with Christian and...
Those who wrote the Jewish heritage and attributed it to Moses not only lied about Moses but even lied to God when they attributed to His prophet something His prophet did not say. The bloody souls made up and wrote the chapters of the Old Testament amid the crisis of the Babylon capture and they...
The Zionist lobby escalated its criticism of the Egyptian government, accused its media of being anti-Semitic and calling for the hatred against the Jews of the world two days before President Mubarak spoke with his American counterpart George Bush. A report, prepared by the Zionist lobby included...


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