Displaying 471 - 480 of 560.
Dr. Ali Al-Samaan said that the events of September 11 made inter-religious dialogue inevitable. The ADIC organization is now getting prepared for a conference entitled "The Crusades or Dialogue." He added that the ADIC was against imposing politics on dialogue.
The Jews believe that they are superior to all human races and that they are the center of the world and history because they are "God’s chosen people." Zionist thinkers frequently adopted perspectives that deepen such racial beliefs. Their perspectives were supported by racial principles stated...
The Sorbonne conference of the three heavenly religions stressed that inter-religious dialogue is a necessity in the modern times; the followers of the three heavenly religions make up more than half of the earth’s population, so dialogue between them is required for global peace.
The writer of "The Philosophy of War in the Israeli Religious Thinking" gives many examples to prove that old myths penetrated the stories of the Torah [the Old Testament]. The author refuted the examples he cited. He tried to prove through the Qur’an that the Bible is the word of God, which cannot...
At a Friday preaching, the preacher was asking God to destroy the Americans and the Jews, saying that apostasy and deviance from the right path are the reasons for the political crisis in the Middle East. The author believes that this man is an example of the preachers who mix religion with...
The head of the US Commission for International Religious Freedom choose Laila Sadat to represent Muslims in the questionable committee. Sadat’s mother is Christian and she herself is married to a Jew. Muslims in America were negatively moved by this choice.
People who believe that Christians have nothing to do with the Intifada adopt a religious concept of the Arab-Israeli conflict, limiting it to only a Muslim-Jewish one. Muslims adopting this view strengthen the racist Jewish claims and weaken the fact that Israel is violating the rights of both...
The decision of the Higher Council for Antiquities to consider Abu Hasera’s tomb, in Demtawa, as a monument, was taken four months ago. Until now, however, it has not been published in the official newspaper-which means that it is not enforceable. The inhabitants of Demtawa were very angry and...
This is a true wide-scale war waged by Israel... against the Palestinian people. There is no difference between the Holocaust and the genocide of today... We know that the generals of Israel are immoral, that war is taking place in Palestine, and that media wars are waged in America by the active...
The inter-religious dialogue issue led to a new conflict between the Sheikh of the Azhar and some of the Azhar scholars, who objected to the participation of Israeli rabbis in the dialogue. A group of the Azhar scholars rejected the participation of extremist rabbis, who do not acknowledge...


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