Displaying 111 - 120 of 166.
Zaynab Radwan, the deputy speaker of the parliament and a professor of Sharī‘ah recentlysubmitted a number of proposals to Parliament. Amongst other things, the proposals called for Bahā’īs’ rights to obtain formal documents and stated that Christian wives of Muslim men should be able to have a...
Magdy Malak reflects on the scope and power of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and bemoans the lack of any real opposition parties that are able to compete with the ruling National Democratic Party.
The following presents letters from the readers of Watani International, commenting on published stories, and hot topics of contention in the Egyptian media.
The author discusses the Minister of Labor ‘Ā’ishah ‘Abd al-Hādī’s response to the International Labour Organization’s report which claimed that Copts were discriminated against in Egypt. She claims that Copts are ten per cent of the Egyptian population, and control 30 per cent of the Egyptian...
The author criticizes the occurrences that surround incidents of sectarian strife, and the continued segregation that Copts are subjected to. He states that Watani International will be accepting donations to assist the victims and the family of the victims in the sectarian crisis in Bimhā.
The following lines are an interview with Bishop Paphnotius in which he comments on his book entitled, ‘Hatmyyah al-Nuhūd bil-al-‘Amal al-Kanasī’ [Inevitable Advancement of Church Work]. He stresses his loyalty to the Coptic Orthodox Church and denies any conflicts with the “brothers” of the Holy...
A summary of the proposed constitutional amendments that have been approved by Parliament and will be submitted for public referendum.
Jamāl al-Bannah discusses the second article of the Egyptian Constitution.
The Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies [CIHRS] has sent an appeal to the president of the republic and the speakers of both houses of Parliament called to amend Article Two of the Constitution that states that Islam is the religion of the state and Islamic sharīʿā is the main source of...
The author suggests that the current series of constitutional amendments are sufficient for the time being. These changes can be a step forward toward real and meaningful reform. Although the state must be willing to make even greater changes, such as revising or repealing the second article of the...


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