Displaying 1 - 10 of 133.
Adoption in Christianity is a valued human bond between the adopted and the adopting family, as the child becomes an integral part of the family and is given a new opportunity to pursue happiness and liberty. The adopting family is expected to provide considerable support and care for the adopted...
The Ministry of Justice hosted a second session of societal dialogue on the draft regarding personal status law for Christians under the patronage of Minister ʿAdnān Fangarī. The session aimed to gather multitudes of opinions in efforts to ensure that the law would serve the best interests of...
Anbā Būlā, Archbishop of Ṭanṭā and its dependencies, has said that all Egyptians are taking part in enacting the law on personal status affairs.
Anbā Būlā, Archbishop of Ṭanṭā and its dependencies, has stated that the draft law on personal status for Christians is a “historic turning point” as it represents the first ever integrated code on personal status for Copts in Egypt.
Priest Rifʿat Fatḥī, Secretary-General of the Evangelical Synod of the Nile, noted that clergymen and Christian advisors have added several measures in the new law to protect women’s interests in relation to family-related issues and disputes.
Counselor Yūsuf Ṭalʿat, the legal advisor for the Coptic Evangelical community in Egypt, stated that the new personal status law for Christians provides a precise explanation of the issue of divorce, emphasizing that the law avoids abstract terms by offering detailed provisions.
Counselor Munṣif Najīb Sulaymān, the representative of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the Personal Status Law Panel, revealed that the five Christian denominations in Egypt have reached a consensus on the first law regulating the personal status affairs of Christian families.
Yūsuf Ṭalʿat, a legal advisor for the Coptic Evangelical community in Egypt, described the new personal status law for Christians as a series of historical rights for Christian citizens. He added that the law consists of 160 articles divided into 10 chapters. “The new personal status law for...
The draft of the new Personal Status Law consists of 355 articles divided into three sections, including 175 articles pertaining to guardianship of individuals, 89 articles on ownership of finances and 91 articles related to procedures, according to the chair of the Committee preparing the draft.
A member of the National Council for Human Rights, Dr. Muḥammad Mamdūḥ, has said that the draft of the new Personal Status Law is structured in a way that preserves the rights of all family members and avoids bias in favor of men or women over each other.


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