Date of source: Tuesday, January 17, 2006
A look into the reasons behind the media storm over conversions of young women and girls from Islam to Christianity and vice versa
Date of source: Tuesday, December 20, 2005
The full text of Dr. ‘Abd al-Mu‘tī Bayyoumī’s response to the 30 questions Drs. Cornelis Hulsman sent him concerning the second article of the Egyptian constitution.
Date of source: Monday, December 19, 2005
An introduction to Dr. ‘Abd al-Mu‘tī Bayyoumī’s response to the 30 questions Drs. Cornelis Hulsman sent him concerning the second article of the Egyptian constitution.
Date of source: Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Dr. Nabīl Luqā Bibāwī’s response to the questions posed by AWR concerning Yustina Saleh’s article on the second article of the Egyptian constitution.
Date of source: Tuesday, December 20, 2005
A list of the questions submitted to Egyptians, concerning the article, written by Yustina Saleh on the second article of the Egyptian constitution.
Date of source: Tuesday, December 20, 2005
In her research on the second article of the Egyptian constitution, researcher Yustina Saleh argues that this article contradicts other articles guaranteeing equal opportunities and rights to all Egyptians.
Date of source: Monday, December 12, 2005
Legal battles between Shaykh Yousuf al-Badrī and human rights activists continue over the case of the priest’s wife, Wafā’ Costantine, who converted to Islam.
Date of source: Sunday, November 20, 2005
The author reports on a seminar on the problems facing democratic change and the involvement of religion in politics.
Date of source: Monday, October 17, 2005
Debates continue over article two of the Egyptian constitution, which makes Islam the religion of state and Islamic jurisprudence the principle source of legislation.
Date of source: Wednesday, October 19, 2005
The author rejects calls for the abolition of article 2 of the constitution, which makes Islam the religion of the state and Islamic jurisprudence the principal source of legislation. He suggests that all laws should conform to sharī’a, provided that the Christians’ right to practice their faith is...