Displaying 51 - 60 of 72.
Renowned poet Fārūq Jūwayda, an advisor to the president, announced on Thursday (November 22) his withdrawal from a constituent assembly drafting a n ew constitution for Egypt in a letter he officially addressed to the panel’s chairman, Judge Ḥusām al-Ghiryānī.
A recent fatwá of Dr. Yūsuf al-Qaradāwī, stated that calling for participation in the coming presidential elections is harām (religiously prohibited).
The General Council of Sufi Orders will hold the elections of the Supreme Council for Sufi Orders on Thursday May 15.
Dr. Abd al- Hādi al- Qasabī, the head of the Supreme Council for Sufī Tarīqahs,  has called upon all political groups and institutions  in Iraq to unite and to reject violence and sectarian strife
Dr. 'Abd al-'Azīz Salmān, secretary general of the PEC (Presidential elections committee), stated that the PEC shall prepare a list of names of citizens, eligible to vote,  who did not cast their vote, and hand it to the general prosecution,
The case of Leslie Maras inspires the Center for Arab West Understanding (CAWU) to explore the details of the Transfer of Sentenced Persons. Mr. Maras (45) is a Belgian national who was arrested in Egypt on the 24th of February 2006, upon his arrival on a KLM/Air France flight to Cairo...
In the Netherlands, the Council of State, or Raad van State in Dutch, the highest legal advisory body in the country, rejected a draft law banning the niqāb [Muslim female head-to-toe cover dress code] the government, which is in alliance with the ultra-rightist Geert Wilders, was planning to see...
Background: The Palestinian Ambassador to the UN and nephew of the late Yāssir ʿArafāt, Nāṣir al-Qudwa, is also the former Palestinian Foreign Minister and a member of Fataḥ. At an FPA press conference, al-Qudwa is asked to share his expectations of the UN, what they will do in regards to the...
Background:  On the first day of the 1995 United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders in Cairo, a press conference is given which outlines the congress’ objectives, key challenges in the fight against globalising organised crime and the conference’s preparation...
Background: On the closing session of the 1995 United Nations Conference on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, a press conference was given to outline the conference’s results, key topics and important recommendations. Roeland Böcker works for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs...


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