Displaying 31 - 40 of 47.
The author believes that there is no convincing reason for stopping the TV program "Ro´a” [Revelations] which hosts Muslim scholars and psychiatrists to interpret dreams. The program is said to have prompted the imminent coming of the Awaited Mahdi.
A TV program “Ro’a” [visions] hosts men of religion who interpret dreams for the members of the audience over the phone. It was said that one of the dreams was interpreted as an indication of the imminence of the awaited Mahdi and the Day of Judgment.
Israeli daily Yediot Ahranot stated that the spread of veiling in the Arab and Islamic world is a way to protest against the anticipated war on Iraq and to express rejection of imitating the West. It wondered whether the veil will lead to the establishment of terrorist cells using extremist women...
Islam has come under fire in some international media circles. Qur’ānic verses are sometimes taken out of context in an attempt to distort the meanings of the Holy Book. The author discusses the media’s interaction with Islam.
According to Sawt al-Umma sources, the Minister of Information, Anas al-Fiqī, stated in a closed meeting with some of his assistants that they are about to present a new TV preacher who is capable of attracting a wide ranging audience. In fact, Al-Fiqī’s words reveal the Egyptian political...
Angelic Europe - and particularly France - lets itself to be footed by the strategists of radical Islam. An Illustration came last week, with the green light given in Paris by the Higher Council of Audio-visual (CSA) to Al-Manar, the TV chain of Lebanese Hezbollah, to broadcast in France.
It is a television program called Muwagahat [confrontations] on Iqra’ satellite channel presented by Mr. Muhammad Barakat. In all episodes I watched, the host interviewed retired veiled actresses and looked up to them as if they were promised heaven. - See art. 24: status of women in Islam.
A Muslim woman who converted to Christianity expressed the author her wish to tell her story to all people. Sidhom told her that people who make their conversion stories public face hard time. However, since the state-owned Nile TV channel started to broadcast a program presenting cases of people...
Wā’il Lutfī writes about ‘Amr Khālid as a phenomenon.
‘Amr Khālid is back in the limelight and enjoys this.


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