Displaying 41 - 50 of 249.
In 1990, the French legislature passed Gayssot Actthat criminalizes anti-Semitism, Xenophobia, Racism and prohibits the Holocaust denial. Since its promulgation,many jurists claimed that its text, if misused or interpreted, can lead to restrictions on freedom of expression.Without denying their...
Dr. Ahmad Mahmūd Karīmah, Professor of Islamic Law (sharī’ah) in the Azhar University, said “our Islam and its reputation was lost because of closed minds”. He added, with tears in his eyes, that whoever divides religion into political parties does not know anything about Islam. That came during...
Dr. Tayīb called for confronting a fierce attack on the Prophet Muhammad through dialogue on the grounds that it is the “optimal” solution while deliberately ignoring any affronts to thwart plans by parties trying to “tamper with Egypt’s national unity.  
Despite political and societal efforts made to protect women’s rights and solve their deep-seated family problems, women's and human rights organizations believe they are still in an inferior, or at least an unfair, position in the face of violence, underage marriage, FMG, harassment and political...
The Ismā’īliya Cinema Club presents short movies as part of preparations for the 20th edition of the its International Film Festival for short and documentary films.
Al- Azhar has seconded the decision of Ibrāhim Mahlab, the Prime Minister, suspending the  screening of “Halāwah Ruh” movie starring Hayfā Wahbī and Bāssim Samrā in protection of the Egyptian society and its religious values. 
The documentary highlights Egypt's civilization, its progress in various fields and its moderate religious faith, in addition to how it succeeded in dazzling the world over time. It includes the vision of foreigners residing in Egypt. Prepared over a period of two months, the script of the...
American film critics stated that movie  “Noah” did not follow the “real story” of Prophet Noah and speculated that it would have brought more profit had it followed the Biblical account. Chris Stone, head of Faith Driven Consumers, a US based religious association, stated that unlike “The Passion...
It’s been five years since the June 30 Revolution aborted once and forever the Muslim Brotherhood Group’s dream of taking over Egypt. Nevertheless, the Muslim Brotherhood group and its followers still maintain its war against the Egyptian people imagining it possible to return to power.
The makers of the Yomeddine [‎Yawm al-Dīn] “Judgment Day” movie announced that it will be commercially released in Minya, the birthplace and hometown of its star Rāḍī Jamāl, where the screenings will start on 23rd of September, specifically at Scape Cinema.


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