Displaying 331 - 340 of 623.
The author gives a brief background about Annemarie Schimmel and how he got to know her. He claims that he received many letters from her and that these letters indicate that she converted to Islam before passing away.
Many people in the West accused the Ramadan series A Knight Without a Horse of anti-Semitism. Egyptians denied this. The series is evaluated in this article. The conclusion is that A Knight Without a Horse served as an outlet for Egyptian frustration of being helpless observers of Palestinian...
The Jewish Holy Book makes Isaac the hero of the story of the sacrifice and not Ishmael who was the only and firstborn son of Abraham before the birth of Isaac. This is an intended distortion made for the benefit of the history of the Israeli people.
According to Israeli paper Musaf Shabat, the expected demographic changes in Palestine worry decision-making circles in Israel, especially as Jews are expected to account for only 45% of the population. Because the Jews of the former Soviet Union are no longer interested in the idea of emigrating...
A Palestinian writer says that the slogan of education in Israel is ‘today´s student is tomorrow´s soldier.´ An Israeli researcher admits that the relation between education and the army is against democracy.
Dr. Muhammad Abu Ghadeer, professor of Hebrew literature, has compiled a study on Israeli educational curricula. He gives examples on how Israeli schoolbooks are used to deepen the culture of conflict between Israel and the Arabs and to bring up children on hating whatever is Arab.
Rick Anderson could not find the quote Ma´ali Abdel-Hamid Hamouda gave in al-Wafd (AWR, week 4). She probably remembered a text she had read some time ago, paraphrased it and presented this as a quote.
Christianity Today, a major US publication, published a highly distorted article on Christians in Egypt, making claims that are simply false or cannot be substantiated. Christianity Today based itself on material obtained from Operation World and other sources. Operation World admits they must have...
The article in Aqidati of January 28 seems to be intended to wipe up sentiments against Jews and Israel. There are plenty good reasons to criticize Israeli brutal policy towards the Palestinians but this article doesn´t do this but focuses on an aleged report to destroy Mecca and the Ka´ba and thus...
Aqidati claims that the Israeli daily Ma´ariv observed that there are many signs indicating the imminent coming of the Messiah: the appearance of the ten lost tribes, occupying Mecca, eliminating Muslim leaders and turning Muslims into slaves for the Jews.


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