Displaying 31 - 40 of 72.
The author continues his series of articles in Sawt al-Azhar newspaper to reply to Archpriest Zakarīyā Butrus’s opinions about Islam in his appearances on the Christian TV channel al-Hayāt.
The author continues his series of articles in Sawt al-Azhar newspaper replying to Archpriest Zakarīyā Butrus’s opinions about Islam and his appearances on the Christian TV channel al-Hayāt.
In this interview, Metropolitan George Salība of Mt Lebanon reaffirms the importance of the dialogue of religions and civilizations.
The author continues his series of articles replying to Archpriest Zakarīyā Butrus’s opinions about Islam in a program called Questions about Faith relayed on a Christian satellite channel called al-Hayāt.
The author continues his series of articles responding to Archpriest Zakarīyā Butrus’ opinions about Islam in a program called Questions about Faith relayed on a Christian satellite channel called al- Hayāt.
The author continues his series of articles replying to Archpriest Zakarīyā Butrus’ opinions about Islam expressed on a program called ‘Questions about Faith’ broadcast on a Christian satellite channel called al-Hayāt.
The author continues his series of articles in Sawt al-Azhar newspaper to reply to Archpriest Zakarīya Butrus’s opinions about Islam in his appearances on the Christian TV channel al -Hayāt.
The author deals in his series of articles with what he called organized attempts over the years to Christianize Muslims, referring to a conference held in the US state of Colorado dedicated to this objective.
An introduction to the column reads that Sawt al- Azhar, within the framework of resuming the efforts of Dr. Muhammad ‘Umāra in reply to the lies propagated by Archpriest Zakārīya Butrus, is publishing a book entitled Ajwiba ‘An al-Īmān [Answers about Faith] by author Mustafa Thābit in episodes...
Shaykh Ahmad Dīdāt’s video tapes and the television channel of the “lunatic” Zakarīyā Butrus have caused serious harm to Egyptian national unity and led in turn to unfortunate incidents between Muslims and Christians.


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