Displaying 1 - 10 of 28.
Journalist Ashraf Ḥilmī, who lives in Australia, denounced the return of salafī preacher Abū Islām on his privately owned TV channel al-Umma. Ḥilmī says that Abū Islām aims to resume his “dirty” war on Christianity and practice his takfīr on all believers.
Dr. Samīr Sabrī filed a complaint to Supreme State Security Prosecution against the Salafī leader Abū Islam, accusing him of threatening the Copts and calling for their elimination on al-Ummah television channel (Sāmīyah Fārūq, al-Wafd, May 15, p. 3). Read original text in Arabic.  
The author, Jirjis Fikrī, highlights the political role played by Christian satellite channels in Egypt and the impact they have on a large number of viewers, especially as these channels support the current Egyptian administration under the leadership of President al-Sīsī.
The Alexandria Criminal Court ruled to sentence ʿĀdil Abū al-Nūr Sulaymān", also known as ”ʿĀdil ʿAsaliyya” to death for slaughtering the Coptic citizen Lamʿ ī Yūsuf in Alexandria.
Hudá al-Misrī writes about the cancellation of many satellite channels on the Egyptian NileSat service. She says that many others have been warned for religious violations. These instances prove the necessity of encouraging tolerance in religion. The article claims that many of these channels...
This article talks about the founding of the organization Egyptians against Religious Discrimination (MARED) and the media coverage concerning sectarian issues in Egypt, with regard to MARED.
This article is the third part in Medhat Bishāy article series. Here, Bishāy criticizes the stance of Sayyid Khalīl and the way the new generation is brought up be aggressive in their reactions.
This article speaks about the recent celebrations of Saint Dimyanah's birth, and the guests who attended the event in Dananya
The author interviews Bishop Marqus of Shubrā, who talks about the reasons behind sectarian fitnah in Egypt.
Scholars and preachers must be trained in a new religious discourse in order to attract the youth and face of the chaos of fatwás which Islamic religious satellite channels broadcast.


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