Displaying 171 - 176 of 176.
The Financial Times put the Saudi billion dollar rush to conquer the Arabic media market in a negative light. The Kingdom cannot be criticized and the image of Islam needs to be improved but Saudi-owned media have striven to achieve Western journalistic standards. The technological level of the...
Naguib Sawiris appeared for over an hour in interview on the program "Belaa Hudoud" (Without Limits) on the Qatar-based Jazeera satellite TV station, discussing the emergence of the new business class and their political influence - burning questions that are widely aired in the press but never...
Exiled Saudi dissident Osama Bin Laden and his followers, blamed by the United States for the 1998 embassy bombings in Africa, may be close to conducting a "terrorist attack," a U.S. intelligence official said Thursday [June 17, 1999]. "We regard him a serious threat, and we have taken a number of...
Islamic militant Osama Bin Laden, one of the FBI’s "Ten Most Wanted" men, called on Muslims to target all Americans and condemned them as "immoral," in a television interview broadcast June 10. "They are an immoral people without values," he told Qatar’s satellite television station Al-Jazira in an...
In the last issue of the debate aired by the Qatari Al-Jezira channel between Maurice Sadek, President of the Center for Human rights and National Unity, and Mustafa Bakri, editor-in-chief of Al-Osboa newspaper, Sadek had said that the Egyptian government is a racist government and should be...
The writer believes that although Copts are a minority, they are not necessarily persecuted.


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