Date of source: Saturday, August 21, 2004
The relationship between religion and the state is being strengthened in America. But why are they preaching what they do not do themselves? Why are they preaching secularism to the Islamic World when they are strengthening the relationship between religion and the state, which has been going for...
Date of source: Sunday, May 13, 2007
The author discusses the situation of Muslims in Turkey, and the increasing levels of restrictions being imposed upon them.
Date of source: Friday, February 8, 2008
The Turkish Parliament approved a draft law that allows women to wear the hijāb at Turkish universities. While advocates of the law consider it a step forward, opponents believe that it is a threat to the secular nature of the Turkish republic.
Date of source: Saturday, March 10, 2007
Independent Member of Parliament Muḥammad al-‘Umdah believes that secularism is an English term that indicates separating religion from all forms of life, particularly politics.
Date of source: Sunday, February 25, 2007
The author of the article, through his comments about another article, defends Islamic fundamentalism and refutes the notion that it supports stances like those adopted by terrorist groups.
Date of source: Tuesday, February 13, 2007
The author reviews a study on the increasing trends of religiousness in the West which threatens secularism.
Date of source: Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Amīnah al-Najjār interviews Dr. Eric Kaufmann, writer of the ’Breeding for God’ article published in the British magazine Prospect.
Date of source: Monday, January 29, 2007
Egyptian security bodies have released, in complete secrecy, the foreign members of the students’ organization who were arrested with their Egyptian colleagues on charges of embracing Jihād ideology, attempting to overthrow the regime and reviving the Islamic Caliphate.
Date of source: Sunday, January 21, 2007
The author discusses the belief that secularism is the only way of making headway and progress in the Arab world. He critiques Lafīf Lakhdar’s arguments, and considers how relevant they are in reforming Islamic society.
Date of source: Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Mu‘taz Billāh ‘Abd al-Fattāh discusses the difference
between liberalism and