Displaying 101 - 110 of 348.
Independent Member of Parliament Muḥammad al-‘Umdah believes that secularism is an English term that indicates separating religion from all forms of life, particularly politics.
The report released by the US Commission for International Religious Freedom is considered by the Egyptian press to be one of the most critical reports by an American organization because it represents serious interference in Egyptian domestic affairs, especially in terms of education. Journalists...
The book Dianetics which was reported to preach a new religion, that is Scientology, received great attention from the Egyptian press. Many papers scanned the contents of the book and commented on them. All papers touched upon the issue connected between the new religion and attempts on the part...
The author of the article, through his comments about another article, defends Islamic fundamentalism and refutes the notion that it supports stances like those adopted by terrorist groups.
The authors discuss their trip to see the celebration of the Holy Family crossing the Nile River in a village in Upper Egypt. They reflect on their experiences and the need to improve dialogue between Muslims and Christians in Egypt.
The Bahā’īs are willing to participate in the referendum on the constitutional amendments as Egyptian citizens.
The author reviews a study on the increasing trends of religiousness in the West which threatens secularism.
Huṣnī ‘Abd al- Masīḥ, an Egyptian Bahā’ī, filed a lawsuit against Major General Ḥabīb al- ‘Ādlī in his capacity as the minister of interior, demanding that the Civil Affairs Department [CAD], affiliated with the Ministry of Interior, issue national identification cards and birth certificates void...
The State Council’s Supreme Administrative Court, headed by Judge al-Sayyid Nūfal, has approved the sacking of a female employee in the Egyptian Ministry of Education for converting to the Bahā’ī faith.
Amīnah al-Najjār interviews Dr. Eric Kaufmann, writer of the ’Breeding for God’ article published in the British magazine Prospect.


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