Date of source: Sunday, September 10, 2006
The author discusses what kind of Middle East will emerge from the “ashes” of the recent conflict in Lebanon. He quotes different opinions on this matter – will a secular Middle East emerge or one controlled by “fanatic” Islamic administrations.
Date of source: Wednesday, September 6, 2006
The author continues to refute the idea of Christian Zionism, saying that the idea of settling the Jews in the land of Palestine was strongly encouraged in many European countries and helped the Jews consolidate linking their settlement in Palestine to biblical beliefs and prophecies.
Date of source: Saturday, September 9, 2006
Reactions vary between accepting or rejecting the idea of deleting the religion reference from Egyptian identity cards. People of both opinions express their arguments in this article.
Date of source: Saturday, September 9, 2006
This report summarizes some of the opinions of Egyptian intellectuals about the issue of deleting religious identity from on identity cards.
Date of source: Saturday, September 9, 2006
The author rejects the U.S.
human rights annual report’s remarks about the issues of human
rights in Egypt, believing the American
administration interferes with internal Egyptian affairs. He refuses
the call of removing religious information
from the Egyptian ID cards.
Date of source: Sunday, September 3, 2006
A discussion of tolerance and the relationship between religion and politics in Egypt from the era of Muhammad Ali, through the Nasser and Sadat years and concluding with two choices for the future for Egypt.
Date of source: Sunday, August 27, 2006
Many people are arguing about ignoring religion on Egyptian identification cards. Some support the idea and others reject it.
Date of source: Friday, August 18, 2006
The article deals with the reasons behind splits in the Egyptian church like
the defection
of Hābīl Tawfīq and Max Michel, who both want to set up churches independent
from the mother
Coptic Orthodox church, in addition to attempts by the Mormons to build their own church in al-
Ma‘ādī, in...
Date of source: Monday, August 14, 2006
American citizens living in Egypt submitted an official request to
establish a Mormon church
in Egypt. The authorities turned them down stating that it is not an appropriate
time to grant them permission. The
author met with the head of the denomination and other Christian figures
in Egypt to...
Date of source: Wednesday, August 2, 2006
The author reports that the Mormons
recently submitted a request to establish a denomination in Egypt. The author describes some of their key beliefs
and asserts that they are definitely not Christians.