Displaying 191 - 200 of 347.
Kamāl Ghubryāl writes about a conference held in Cairo on the establishment of secularism in Egypt. He believes that the conference failed because they tried to match the solid concept of secularism with the new changes in society.
A recently held conference has discussed the idea of establishing an active secular movement in Egypt.
Sabian Mandaeans have survived hundred years of harassment, and live on river banks because their rites are related to running water.
The article reports on the launch of the first campaign of its kind by Egyptian intellectuals to set up a secular grassroots movement. Supporters of this movement have accused political parties of failing to take any positive stands against the escalation of religious fundamentalism.
A recently held conference in Egypt about the establishment of a secularist approach to politics has stated that democracy requires secularism.
The author explains the term "Islamic secularism." Islam is an absolute religion like all other revealed religions and secularism is a relative philosophy like all other philosophies that are open to change and modification. The adjective "Islamic" gives secularism an Islamic dimension and not the...
The Islamic Research Institute issued a fatwa considering Baha’is and Babis as apostates because they have changed the fundamentals of the Islamic creed.
A comparison between Islam and other heavenly religions reveals that Muslims form the majority of the followers of revealed religions. This fact is testified by accredited Western researchers who compared the Islamic steadfastness, and the vitality and revival of Islam in Islamic and non-Islamic...
The Philosophy and Doctrine Committee of the Islamic Research Institute issued a fatwa that forbids adopting the beliefs of the Baha´is, considering those adopting them as apostates. The Institute will send the fatwa to Madagascar in response to the question of officials there about the Baha...
The article gives a background about the group of Samaritans and their beliefs. They live in Nablus and sanctify Mount Gerizim. They believe in the Torah but disagree with the Jews over the status of Jerusalem, which they believe does not enjoy any holiness. They consider Jews as an apostate sect...


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