Displaying 281 - 290 of 348.
The author explains the misunderstanding of the concept of “secularism." in Islamic and Arab societies; secularism is presented as a call for atheism and apostasy. Based on this misunderstanding, some launched an attack on France because the country has banned religious symbols in public schools...
The article discusses the subject of Gnostic Christianity or sacred knowledge in Christianity. The author associates between the faith of Ikhnaton, ancient Egyptian pharaoh and Gnostic Christianity.
A special version of the book containing the Gnostic scriptures was released in the United States in English, translated from Coptic in 1977. Later a public version was released in 1981 under the name of “Nag Hammadi library.” The book contains 47 pieces including a paper by Plato. The...
Has President Mubarak’s call to renew religious thought been seriously tackled on all levels of the ruling party and the government-owned media or not? Al-Liwaa’ Al-Islami, owned by the ruling National Democratic Party, continued its attack on secularists on the pretext that secularists are...
European-Islamic relations are full of concerns. Active Christians in European churches are afraid of the rise of fundamentalist Islamic nationalism, and secularists are concerned with the interference/encroachment of religion into their (public) lives.
With the 100th anniversary of the 1905 law, known as the law of Laïcité, or secularism in France, many French voices have started to call for expanding the ban on all religious symbols, especially the hijāb [veil covering a woman’s hair]. They want to apply this law within all hospitals,...
Umāra opposes Western efforts to make Islam accept Western modernism and secularism, including the separation of religion and state.
A symposium organized by Watanī newspaper, at the Qinā governorate city of Najc Hammādī, called for the reinforcement to the core of citizenship by encouraging co-existence, creation of common shared activities that would serve to bring together all Egyptians and requiring youth to practice their...
Referring to Fukuyama’s article Their Target: The Modern World, in which he concluded that Muslims are against religious tolerance and secularism, I would like to forewarn of the consequences of confusing the ‘modernization of Islam’ with the ‘Western secular modernity’, which the West imposes on...
In an interview with Al-Qahira newspaper, Dr. ‘Abd al-Wahhāb al-Musayyarī, an eminent Muslim scholar, reveals his thoughts on separating religion from government.


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