Displaying 61 - 70 of 377.
An Egyptian court sent Mursī’s case to the Grand Mufti for a final review after it sentenced the deposed president to death. The decision was met with wide international criticism; many foreign observers believe the verdict to be of a political rather than legal nature. An anonymous source within...
U. S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) Chairman Robert P. George said that the religious situation in Egypt has “complicated' over the past year, although President `Abd al-Fattāh al-Sisi made 'noteworthy' statements to urge religious reform.
U.S. President Barack Obama reported that he decided to lift the freeze banning the delivery of military aid to Egypt, including the sale of F-16 fighter jets. The freeze originally took effect in October 2013 following the military coup that took place in Egypt in the summer of 2013.  (31 March,...
Badrān: Personal status laws are creating a new generation of children on the streets Doctor Hudā Badrān, the President of the Egyptian Women’s Union, said that Personal Status Laws are most focused on the role of the family, adding that the laws treat women as they were treated decades ago. She...
U.S. ambassador in Cairo Anne Patterson met on Wednesday (October 10) with Coptic activists who spoke to her about the status of religious minorities in Egypt under President Muhammad Mursī, a few days after her meeting with Egyptian Shiite leaders who told her they applied for the Dutch...
Former Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Fāyzah Abū al-Najā, witnessed before the Cairo Criminal Court yesterday September 9, 2012 in the case of foreign funds. She said that the United States of America deliberatly did not inform the Egyptian government about funding unlicensed...
There was much surprise in the U.S. at Egyptian President Muhammad Mursī’s recent shake-up of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) leadership. The Los Angeles Times suggests that this proves him ‘a better political tactician than many had believed’ [Rīm ‘Abd al-Latīf, Egypt president's...
Sāmih Makram ‘Ubayd handed me his business card with the words, ‘I hope I get to use this again.’ Underneath his name it spelled out ‘Member of Parliament’. He took it back momentarily and penciled in an additional word in Arabic: ‘Dissolved’.
Who will be Egypt’s next president? Muslim Brotherhood leader Muhammad Mursī or the representative of the old National Democratic Party, Ahmad Shafiq? Both claim victory. Mursī has claimed victory from the first minute that the polling stations closed on June 17. How he could know this? I don’t...
Many Egyptians believe that the US supports Mursī and the Muslim Brotherhood in being the next president and forming the next government of Egypt. As a US-born American, I have always loved my country, but I have seldom been a fan of US-government foreign policy in the Middle East whether...


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